Reg Charity Number 1188127
We are a small, privately run, rabbit rescue in Stanmore (North London, UK).
Sadly, we are unable to help at the moment. The rabbit crisis has impacted all UK rescues.
We are full beyond max capacity currently and unable to help with surrenders and even with emergencies.
Our focus is caring for the permanent Sanctuary residents of elderly, disabled and long term sick rabbits and the Rehoming of healthy rabbits ready for adoption.
I would encourage you to contact other rabbit rescues if it is urgent:
​Thank you, Nico
Our Mission Statement
Our aim is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home abused, abandoned and neglected domestic rabbits. We will spay/neuter, vaccinate and find them great homes where possible or provide sanctuary until end of life. We aim to educate the public on the appropriate care of domestic rabbits.
How can you help
You could Donate towards veterinary fees and support our efforts, purchase from our Hay Suppliers or even an item from our Amazon wish list to help.
Should you wish to Donate, you can use the Donate button on our homepage or directly to:
Our PAYPAL: Little.FurriesRR@hotmail.com
Our Hay suppliers :
Or simply contribute for free by shopping online!

Did You Know?
​Despite rabbits being the UK's 3rd most popular pet, they are by far, the most neglected.
Rescue centres throughout the UK are overwhelmed by the worst rabbit crisis ever known, driven by irresponsible continued selling by pet shops and breeders out to make a few quid. The RSPCA reported in June an increase in rabbit intakes of 48% - this is shocking since it doesn't account for the numbers taken in by independent rescues like us.
Historically, before the crisis, approximately 67,000 rabbits would end up in rescue centres throughout the UK each year. Not every unwanted rabbit is lucky enough to find a place.
Please give a second chance to rescue rabbits or guinea pigs if you are thinking of adding these pets to your family and life.

Our Adoption Policy:
All bunnies are neutered/spayed and vaccinated for MYX/VHD1/VHD2
Home checks will be carried out and a minimum space of 60 sq ft is required.
Single bunnies will only be given to homes with an existing bunny to pair that is fully vaccinated and neutered. We will do the bonding of the bunnies.
We do not home babies younger than 18 weeks
Bunnies will not be rehomed to a hutch only set up.
Bunnies are NOT toys so we will not consider requests to adopt for small children.
We have a no-kill policy.
We do not receive money from pet retailers nor government organisations and rely entirely on public donations.
Our adopters are offered life-time support and we accept the rabbits back if circumstances change.
Please read up on bunnies before considering adoption. We recommend you to refer to RWAF site for rabbit education https://rabbitwelfare.co.uk
Some of our bunnies